How can the war in Syria be stopped?
By Nick Payton Walsh 來源:CNN Middle East,September 15th, 2015
在2011年3月18號,位於敘利亞大馬士革 (城市名) 的示威運動上,傾向支持敘利亞總統 Bashar al-Assad(阿薩德) 抗議者舉著他以及他已逝父親 Hafez al-Assad的照片。 阿薩德在2000年時由他已逝父親的手裡接管長達三十年掌政,隨後在2011年三月,反對政權的浪聲擴大成現在的敘利亞內戰。據聯合國統計現在已經超過220,000死於這場戰爭。
Beirut (CNN) We are 1,645 days into the Syrian conflict. Half the country's people are on the move, and more than 200,000 have died. ISIS -- more radical than al-Qaeda -- has seized parts of the country's north. Chemical weapons are now often used.
So what would it take to stop the war, or at least calm it enough to enable some Syrians to go home?
A full U.S. or Western invasion is not likely to happen, nor would it alleviate the problems. But none of the more obvious other options offer much hope either:
CNN新聞於貝魯特(黎巴嫩首都) -
敘利亞內亂至今日已經持續1,645天,半數的國民逃難於各地、超過二十萬人已經死亡。 ISIS 伊斯蘭國 (其造成的傷害已超越蓋達組織) 目前佔據敘利亞北邊,而化學性的武器現在被大量
1. Arm the Syrian opposition and remove the Assad regime with military force
This option was toyed with by Western leaders in 2013 when they debated punitive strikes against the Assad regime for the use of chemical weapons in Ghouta, but it would be pretty ugly now.
NATO airstrikes would probably cripple the Assad regime quickly. But what would happen to the people in government strongholds -- the capital, Damascus,and the Mediterranean coastal enclaves of Tartus and Latakia?
It's pretty likely Syrian opposition forces would sweep in to those big population centers, where there are many Alawi and Shia loyal to the regime. And those opposition forces have radicals -- including the al-Qaeda linked Nusra Front -- in their ranks.
At the very least, there would be a huge refugee outflow into Syria's already overcrowded neighbor, Lebanon; at worst a massacre.
在2013年左右,阿薩德政權因為在Ghouda (一個位於大馬士革的區域)使用生化武器,遭到西方各國爭論是否應該做出懲罰性的進攻,而這個選項也在當時被過度的操弄而不了了之,但現在的情勢又比當時更為糟糕。
就現在的情勢看來,敘利亞反對勢力將會進攻人口密集的地方,在這些地方聚集了很支持阿薩德政權多阿拉維教派 以及遜尼教派信徒。 這些反對勢力也包括了許多激進份子,例如說與努斯拉陣線關係密切的蓋達組織成員。
這個選項最起碼造成的影響會是敘利亞的難民,湧向鄰國黎巴嫩 ;若是情勢惡化非常嚴重甚至可能造成大型屠殺。