2015年9月22日 星期二

我們如何才能停止敘利亞動亂? (上)

How can the war in Syria be stopped?

By Nick Payton Walsh 來源:CNN Middle East,September 15th, 2015

  在2011年3月18號,位於敘利亞大馬士革 (城市名) 的示威運動上,傾向支持敘利亞總統 Bashar al-Assad(阿薩德) 抗議者舉著他以及他已逝父親 Hafez al-Assad的照片。 阿薩德在2000年時由他已逝父親的手裡接管長達三十年掌政,隨後在2011年三月,反對政權的浪聲擴大成現在的敘利亞內戰。據聯合國統計現在已經超過220,000死於這場戰爭。

  Beirut (CNN) We are 1,645 days into the Syrian conflict. Half the country's people are on the move, and more than 200,000 have died. ISIS -- more radical than al-Qaeda -- has seized parts of the country's north. Chemical weapons are now often used.

So what would it take to stop the war, or at least calm it enough to enable some Syrians to go home?

A full U.S. or Western invasion is not likely to happen, nor would it alleviate the problems. But none of the more obvious other options offer much hope either:

CNN新聞於貝魯特(黎巴嫩首都) -

  敘利亞內亂至今日已經持續1,645天,半數的國民逃難於各地、超過二十萬人已經死亡。 ISIS 伊斯蘭國 (其造成的傷害已超越蓋達組織) 目前佔據敘利亞北邊,而化學性的武器現在被大量




1. Arm the Syrian opposition and remove the Assad regime with military force

  This option was toyed with by Western leaders in 2013 when they debated punitive strikes against the Assad regime for the use of chemical weapons in Ghouta, but it would be pretty ugly now.

  NATO airstrikes would probably cripple the Assad regime quickly. But what would happen to the people in government strongholds -- the capital, Damascus,and the Mediterranean coastal enclaves of Tartus and Latakia?

  It's pretty likely Syrian opposition forces would sweep in to those big population centers, where there are many Alawi and Shia loyal to the regime. And those opposition forces have radicals -- including the al-Qaeda linked Nusra Front -- in their ranks.

  At the very least, there would be a huge refugee outflow into Syria's already overcrowded neighbor, Lebanon; at worst a massacre.


  在2013年左右,阿薩德政權因為在Ghouda (一個位於大馬士革的區域)使用生化武器,遭到西方各國爭論是否應該做出懲罰性的進攻,而這個選項也在當時被過度的操弄而不了了之,但現在的情勢又比當時更為糟糕。


  就現在的情勢看來,敘利亞反對勢力將會進攻人口密集的地方,在這些地方聚集了很支持阿薩德政權多阿拉維教派 以及遜尼教派信徒。 這些反對勢力也包括了許多激進份子,例如說與努斯拉陣線關係密切的蓋達組織成員。

  這個選項最起碼造成的影響會是敘利亞的難民,湧向鄰國黎巴嫩 ;若是情勢惡化非常嚴重甚至可能造成大型屠殺。


2015年9月14日 星期一


Russia bans more foreign foods

By Ivana Kottasova 來源:CNN財經版 August 13th, 2015

*影片中後期出現的"costa coffee",來自英國連鎖咖啡廳也在禁運危機名單內,非常諷刺

Russia, which has been destroying brie and other banned Western foods, may have to rev up the bulldozers again to keep pace with a growing list of prohibited imports.


On Thursday, Moscow added more items to the list of banned food and agriculture products from the five counties that support Western sanctions on Russia over its involvement in the crisis in Ukraine: Albania, Montenegro, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Ukraine.
The embargoed products include meat, fish, milk and dairy products, fresh fruit and vegetables and other raw produce.
"Everyone who applies sanctions against us must face the appropriate responses, food embargo," Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich told reporters in Moscow.
Although the five countries are all small European economies, the ban could hurt. For example, around 10% of Icelandic seafood is exported to Russia, and Russia was Albania's third biggest trading partner, after U.S. and China in 2014.
這個星期四,莫斯科增加了對於五個國家的禁運農產品以及食品。這些國家支持日前因為烏克蘭危機,造成西方政權不滿而由美國帶領的西方政權制裁  ,這些國家分別是 : 阿爾巴尼亞、蒙特內哥羅、冰島、列支敦斯頓以及烏克蘭。
"任何對於我們做出制裁的國家將會面對他們應得的回應 : 食品禁運令" 俄國國家副總理Arkady Dvorkovich在莫斯科對記者說到。

Moscow banned most food imports from the U.S., European Union, Canada, Australia, and other countries last year, in retaliation for the Western sanctions.
In recent weeks, Russian officials have used bulldozers and other methods to destroy illegally imported food.

2015年9月11日 星期五


Why milk is cheaper than water in Europe?
 By Ivana Kottasova  來源:CNN財經版  September 8, 2015


Russia has banned imports, Chinese demand is weakening and limits on production have been removed. The result: a huge glut of milk.

 SEP. 21, 2015

There is so much sloshing around the European Union that milk is often cheaper than bottled water. A liter bottle of water costs around $1.50 in the U.K.; a liter of milk $1.
In France, milk is also around $1 per liter, similar to the price of mineral water. And in German discount supermarkets such as Lidl and Aldi, a liter of milk can be as cheap as 55 cents, while a liter bottle of water costs around 72 cents.
在法國,牛奶的價錢也大約是一公升$1,價錢相當於礦泉水。 而在德國的廉價超級市場例如Lidl以及Aldi,一公升的牛奶可以便宜到55分錢,而同時一樣大小的瓶裝水大約需花費72分錢。  (*作者使用美元)
The slump is a disaster for dairy farmers. Thousands protested in Brussels Monday, blocking streets with their tractors, and showering police with hay and eggs.
While the price of milk in shops has fallen by around 5% this year, wholesale milk prices have collapsed by about 20% to around 37 cents.
That's forcing many farmers to sell their milk for less than it costs them to produce it.
The EU said Monday it will provide farmers with 500 million euros ($555 million) in emergency support to help them cope with the plummeting prices.
Europe's dairy farmers were already reeling from the food embargo imposed by Moscow last year in retaliation for Western sanctions over Ukraine.
Russia was one of the EU's biggest markets for dairy products, accounting for 32% of cheese exports and 24% of butter exports.
A slowdown in demand from China, the world's biggest milk importer, is also hurting the dairy industry. China is a big buyer of powdered milk.
Europe's farmers are now calling for the reintroduction of production quotas to try to balance the market. The quotas were abolished earlier this year, leaving farmers free to produce as much as they like for the first time in 30 years.
The deregulation led to more oversupply, piling even more pressure on prices.
"Unless production is reduced, the market will carry on deteriorating at a pace," said Romuald Schaber, president of the European Milk Board, which represents dairy farmers.
"除非生產量減少,不然市場會繼續以一定的速度惡化"  歐洲牛奶協會總理Romuald Schaber代表酪農說道。

2014年12月22日 星期一

到底是誰殺了"名嘴出任務" - 北韓介入好萊塢電影界

Hacking at Sony Over ‘The Interview’ Reveals Hollywood’s Failings, Too


DEC. 21, 2014




索尼公司的員工提出死亡威脅,一部電影竟然變成社會事件,以下是NEW YORK TIMES對這


Kim Jong-un, who appears to be America’s newly self-appointed minister of culture, has decided that it is not enough that “The Interview,” the Seth Rogen film about North Korea that includes Mr. Kim’s assassination, will not be released. On Thursday, a message from the Guardians of Peace, the hacker group that breached the computer systems of Sony Pictures and warned against releasing the film, said “we want everything related to the movie, including its trailers, as well as its full version down from any website hosting them immediately.”

金正恩 - 美國最近"自行上任"的文化局長,決定在威脅終止劇情中包含刺殺金總理"名嘴出任務"的新片上映後,採取下一步動作。上星期四,一個來自於名叫"和平守護者"的駭客集團駭入索尼的電腦系統,並且警告該片的上映,訊息中提到"我們要求所有關於這部電影的東西,包括預告片,立刻從任何網站上消失"

The hackers promised that if Sony scrubbed all traces of the comedy from the Internet — an impossible task — they would cease a campaign that has lasted almost a month and has threatened employees and their families, embarrassed executives and potentially unleashed 100 terabytes of private company data into the world

Federal officials said Friday morning that they had extensive evidence that the North Korean government organized the attack. A few hours later,President Obama added his voice to the chorus of critics, including irate Hollywood actors, who say Sony and the nation’s theater operators should not have canceled the release. “We cannot have a society in which some dictator someplace can start imposing censorship here in the United States,” he said.


中央政府在星期五早上表態現在有更進一步的證據指出這一波的攻擊是北韓政府所指使。歐巴馬總統也對此事件表示批評,包括挑釁好萊塢演員,並且提到索尼以及影院不應該取消上映。 "我們的社會不能允許外來的獨裁者禁播任何媒體" 歐巴馬在記者會中說道。

A scene from “The Interview,” the buddy-comedy movie in which Kim Jong-un, explicitly named, is assassinated. CreditEd Araquel/Columbia Pictures
It was a remarkable and disorienting turn of events: a tiny, failing state that lacks the wherewithal to feed its own people was deciding which movies we can and cannot see, while the industry it had attacked watched silently from the sidelines, and the president of the United States felt compelled to step into an international confrontation catalyzed by a lowbrow comedy. After weeks of embarrassing disclosures from Sony’s hacked files, the endgame for the movie began on Tuesday, when the hackers invoked the devastation of September 11, and said that anyone who attended the opening on Christmas Day would be risking their lives. “We recommend you to keep yourself distant from the places at that time,” they wrote in a rambling email to news organizations. 

   這是一個重要而且扭曲的事件:一個連自己人民都無法餵飽的國家,竟然想要決定我們能看什麼,反觀被攻擊的電影工業竟然對此事件加以漠視,造成美國總統因為一個低俗的喜劇被迫面對國際媒體。 在索尼被竊取的檔案曝光後幾星期,事情在禮拜二開始一發不可收拾,駭客提出會做出如911一般的攻擊,任何在聖誕節(該片上映日)觀看的人將會受到生命威脅。"我們建議你那時保持與電影院的距離",他們在一篇寫給新聞機構中的信中提到。 The industry, 
   old and new, digital and analog, should step across a line together, holding hands with consumers and letting the world know that we prize our goofy movies, along with the important ones, and the freedoms that they represent. If disparate competitors managed to set aside self-interest and acted for the common good, it could be the social viewing event of the century. I’d do anything to do my bit for artistic freedom, including watching a buddy-movie comedy that stars Mr. Rogen and James Franco.
Play the movie!!!

  給電影工業,不論新或舊,數位或類比(這邊應該是指有線與無線業者吧我想~),應該撇除成見,彼此與消費者一起向世界表達我們看重自己的蠢電影,就如那些重要的電影一樣,以及其後面代表的自由。若是不同的競爭者可以撇除自我利益,並且力求共同的好處,將可以成為世紀的重要事件。我願意做出任何事情,為了爭取我的藝術自由,包括去看一場由Seth Rogen跟James Franco演的白爛喜劇。

   看完了這篇,不知道大家對這樣的事件有甚麼看法。個人認為作者有點小題大作,其中太多言論涉及以一個自由世界的標準去惡意批判共產主義,就像拿自己的家規套在別人身上一樣。但假如各位有注意過美國與北韓兩國之間的關係的話,應該可以發現北韓自從金正恩上任後,不但沒有向國際釋出善意,反而不斷做出挑釁行為 ;反觀美國在911之後在國際關係上一直趨於保守,深怕本土再一次受到攻擊,這是一個看得出來兩國之間互相往來模式的新聞,不知道你會不會去看,反正我是看定了~


2014年12月17日 星期三


Horror Paralyzes Pakistan After a Methodical Slaughter


A soldier on guard Wednesday at the Army Public School in Peshawar. The school was attacked Tuesday by Taliban gunmen, who killed 148 people. CreditZohra Bensemra/Reuters

PESHAWAR, Pakistan — As Pakistani Taliban gunmen strode through the corridors and classrooms of the Army Public School on Tuesday, spraying teachers and pupils with bullets, one paused from his grisly work to make a phone call.

“We have killed all of the children in the auditorium,” the militant, later identified by the military as Abuzar, told his handler. “What do we do now?”

“Wait for the army to arrive,” came the reply. “Kill them, then blow yourself up.”

That conversation, recounted by a senior security official who said it had been intercepted by Pakistani intelligence, offered sobering proof of the methodical approach and cold resolve of the Taliban militants who, over the course of an eight-hour rampage, killed 148 people in the Peshawar school, at least 132 of whom were children.



"我們已經把禮堂中的人全殺了,我們的下一步是什麼?" -恐怖分子Abuzar向工及總部通報。



On Wednesday, the horror of their actions paralyzed Pakistan, a country with much experience of Taliban atrocities and yet, in this instance, uniquely affected.

With flags at half-staff and businesses shuttered, Pakistanis seemed to be trapped between grief, anger and frustration, for once overcoming their divisions to unite in pain.

Peshawar became a city of small coffins. Through the day, mournful funeral processions wended through the otherwise deserted streets, as the victims of the massacre were escorted to mosques and graveyards.



The bloodied auditorium floor at the Army Public School in Peshawar on Wednesday. The eight-hour rampage by Taliban fighters killed at least 132 children. CreditFayaz Aziz/Reuters
The greatest carnage occurred inside the assembly hall, where soldiers said they had recovered over 100 bodies, many piled on each other. Shoes, copybooks and spectacles were scattered amid empty rows of seats where, according to witness accounts, students had cowered in a vain attempt to evade the killers. They were singled out, one by one, and shot in the head.

Some teachers tried to intervene. An army officer was giving first aid lessons on the main stage of the auditorium when the gunmen burst in. A female teacher, officers said, had begged the gunmen to let the children go. She was also executed.



In the Taliban’s cruel calculus, those children’s bodies went toward balancing accounts with the Pakistani military, still pressing its antimilitant offensive in the northwestern tribal region. Most of the students were the children of military personnel, the militants’ spokesman said, seeking to publicly justify the gunmen’s targets. Ms. Qazi, the slain principal, was married to a retired army colonel.


There were recriminations inside the army, too. One officer noted with regret that the school had reported a Taliban threat in August. Some teachers openly worried that the school’s perimeter walls were vulnerable to attack, he said. But nothing was done.
In the nearby tribal belt, the Pakistani Army mounted fresh airstrikes.And on the television talk shows, stony-faced analysts clad in black offered lengthy analyses of what the army forces must do next — and whether, united in pain, their country could also unite to stop the Taliban.
  一位軍官指控軍方在八月時曾忽略校方提出的恐怖攻擊潛在危機,老師們擔心校園四周的圍牆非常容易被攻破,但在當時政府並未做出任何回應。在鄰近的塔利班據點,巴基斯坦軍方開始了新一波的空襲。在一次電視上的播出中,一位學者分析了軍方接下來如何回應 ,並且是否能夠記取這次慘痛的教訓,全國上下一心抵抗塔利班恐怖份子。

- 節錄自 紐約時報 "The New York Times" Dec./18th/2014
