Hacking at Sony Over ‘The Interview’ Reveals Hollywood’s Failings, Too
DEC. 21, 2014
索尼公司的員工提出死亡威脅,一部電影竟然變成社會事件,以下是NEW YORK TIMES對這
Kim Jong-un, who appears to be America’s newly self-appointed minister of culture, has decided that it is not enough that “The Interview,” the Seth Rogen film about North Korea that includes Mr. Kim’s assassination, will not be released. On Thursday, a message from the Guardians of Peace, the hacker group that breached the computer systems of Sony Pictures and warned against releasing the film, said “we want everything related to the movie, including its trailers, as well as its full version down from any website hosting them immediately.”
金正恩 - 美國最近"自行上任"的文化局長,決定在威脅終止劇情中包含刺殺金總理"名嘴出任務"的新片上映後,採取下一步動作。上星期四,一個來自於名叫"和平守護者"的駭客集團駭入索尼的電腦系統,並且警告該片的上映,訊息中提到"我們要求所有關於這部電影的東西,包括預告片,立刻從任何網站上消失"
The hackers promised that if Sony scrubbed all traces of the comedy from the Internet — an impossible task — they would cease a campaign that has lasted almost a month and has threatened employees and their families, embarrassed executives and potentially unleashed 100 terabytes of private company data into the world
Federal officials said Friday morning that they had extensive evidence that the North Korean government organized the attack. A few hours later,President Obama added his voice to the chorus of critics, including irate Hollywood actors, who say Sony and the nation’s theater operators should not have canceled the release. “We cannot have a society in which some dictator someplace can start imposing censorship here in the United States,” he said.
中央政府在星期五早上表態現在有更進一步的證據指出這一波的攻擊是北韓政府所指使。歐巴馬總統也對此事件表示批評,包括挑釁好萊塢演員,並且提到索尼以及影院不應該取消上映。 "我們的社會不能允許外來的獨裁者禁播任何媒體" 歐巴馬在記者會中說道。
A scene from “The Interview,” the buddy-comedy movie in which Kim Jong-un, explicitly named, is assassinated. CreditEd Araquel/Columbia Pictures
It was a remarkable and disorienting turn of events: a tiny, failing state that lacks the wherewithal to feed its own people was deciding which movies we can and cannot see, while the industry it had attacked watched silently from the sidelines, and the president of the United States felt compelled to step into an international confrontation catalyzed by a lowbrow comedy. After weeks of embarrassing disclosures from Sony’s hacked files, the endgame for the movie began on Tuesday, when the hackers invoked the devastation of September 11, and said that anyone who attended the opening on Christmas Day would be risking their lives. “We recommend you to keep yourself distant from the places at that time,” they wrote in a rambling email to news organizations.
這是一個重要而且扭曲的事件:一個連自己人民都無法餵飽的國家,竟然想要決定我們能看什麼,反觀被攻擊的電影工業竟然對此事件加以漠視,造成美國總統因為一個低俗的喜劇被迫面對國際媒體。 在索尼被竊取的檔案曝光後幾星期,事情在禮拜二開始一發不可收拾,駭客提出會做出如911一般的攻擊,任何在聖誕節(該片上映日)觀看的人將會受到生命威脅。"我們建議你那時保持與電影院的距離",他們在一篇寫給新聞機構中的信中提到。 The industry,
old and new, digital and analog, should step across a line together, holding hands with consumers and letting the world know that we prize our goofy movies, along with the important ones, and the freedoms that they represent. If disparate competitors managed to set aside self-interest and acted for the common good, it could be the social viewing event of the century. I’d do anything to do my bit for artistic freedom, including watching a buddy-movie comedy that stars Mr. Rogen and James Franco.
Play the movie!!!
給電影工業,不論新或舊,數位或類比(這邊應該是指有線與無線業者吧我想~),應該撇除成見,彼此與消費者一起向世界表達我們看重自己的蠢電影,就如那些重要的電影一樣,以及其後面代表的自由。若是不同的競爭者可以撇除自我利益,並且力求共同的好處,將可以成為世紀的重要事件。我願意做出任何事情,為了爭取我的藝術自由,包括去看一場由Seth Rogen跟James Franco演的白爛喜劇。
看完了這篇,不知道大家對這樣的事件有甚麼看法。個人認為作者有點小題大作,其中太多言論涉及以一個自由世界的標準去惡意批判共產主義,就像拿自己的家規套在別人身上一樣。但假如各位有注意過美國與北韓兩國之間的關係的話,應該可以發現北韓自從金正恩上任後,不但沒有向國際釋出善意,反而不斷做出挑釁行為 ;反觀美國在911之後在國際關係上一直趨於保守,深怕本土再一次受到攻擊,這是一個看得出來兩國之間互相往來模式的新聞,不知道你會不會去看,反正我是看定了~
看完了這篇,不知道大家對這樣的事件有甚麼看法。個人認為作者有點小題大作,其中太多言論涉及以一個自由世界的標準去惡意批判共產主義,就像拿自己的家規套在別人身上一樣。但假如各位有注意過美國與北韓兩國之間的關係的話,應該可以發現北韓自從金正恩上任後,不但沒有向國際釋出善意,反而不斷做出挑釁行為 ;反觀美國在911之後在國際關係上一直趨於保守,深怕本土再一次受到攻擊,這是一個看得出來兩國之間互相往來模式的新聞,不知道你會不會去看,反正我是看定了~